Making investing rewarding and simple with a seamless onboarding experience

About Pearler

Pearler is an investment and financial platform that was founded in 2018, with a mission of helping Australians find financial freedom and simplify their financial lives.

Founded in 2018, Pearler aims to simplify long-term investing for consumers seeking to achieve financial independence. With rising demand for more choice and flexibility in investing, Pearler has built a platform that offers both individual trading of Australian and US shares and micro-investing that has rapidly gained traction, growing to over 20,000 customers today.

The challenge

A complicated, multi-vendor onboarding meant poor customer experience and high manual review.

IMG Fraud Integration
Icon Insights
Multi vendor complexity
Managing multiple vendors for KYC, AML and biometric.
Icon Audit Trail
Highly manual processes
Heavy requirement of manual intervention to verify and onboard customers.
Icon AI
Lack of automation
Siloed vendors made it extremely difficult for Pearler to scale.
Icon Network
Low pass rates
The complexity and manual review resulted in a poor customer experience and low pass rates.

The FrankieOne solution

With FrankieOne, Pearler was able to replace their existing suite of vendors with a single connection to FrankieOne’s platform that provided KYC, AML and biometrics. For KYC, Pearler has benefited from our cascade, which has resulted in an uplift in their straight through pass rate. This means that more customers are able to be verified automatically, reducing the number of manual reviews required. Pearler has also configured automated workflows through the platform which requires additional checks, such as biometrics, from higher risk customers, while maintaining the standard user flow for low risk customers. Enabled by the FrankieOne platform, Pearler has been able to uplift their operational efficiency to supercharge their efforts to make investing simple and rewarding for Australians.

Single Connection

Through a single commercial agreement and SDK connection Pearler benefited by gaining access to hundreds vendors and data sources.

KYC, AML and Biometrics enabled

Pearler was able to rapidly enable anti-money laundering (AML), know your customer (KYC) and biometrics checks.

Automated onboarding

Pearler has also configured automated workflows through the platform which requires additional checks, such as biometrics, from higher risk customers, while maintaining the standard user flow for low risk customers.

Improved customer experience

Through enabling automation, Pearler was able to verify more customers on first pass, improving customer experience.

Improved pass rates

Pearler has benefited from our cascade, which has resulted in an uplift in their straight through pass rate. 

“As an investing platform, we are all about simplicity and making things easier for our customers, so we were impressed by how FrankieOne could simplify compliance for us. The team at FrankieOne have been exceptional in helping us configure the platform so it works exactly the way we need for our customers and our product with minimal fuss.”

Pearler team

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