Maximizing onboarding rates with a flexible, future-proof solution

About Beforepay

Beforepay offers consumers a better way to manage their personal finances, by providing the flexibility to access a portion of their pay early.

With the rise of alternatives to credit cards and traditional lending products, there is increasing competition for customers seeking buy-now-pay-later and pay-on-demand products. With many different providers now offering similar products and growing customer acquisition costs, there is an increased focus on making sure interested customers complete the onboarding process and begin using their products.
Beforepay logo in dark purple

The challenge

Poor pass rates, lengthy onboarding times and high manual intervention.

IMG Fraud Integration
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Single vendor bottleneck
Beforepay was using a single KYC provider and achieving low match rates.
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Onboarding abandonment
A high percentage of customers who were disrupted mid-onboarding journey and required manual onboarding.
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Manual intervention
The onboarding drop off caused increased the strain on Beforepay’s customer service team as manual review was required.
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Poor customer experience
This resulted in increased rates of customer abandonment from delays that reduced the quality of the customer experience.

The FrankieOne solution

Tarek Ayoub chose FrankieOne to “provide us the most efficient onboarding experience for our customers, with minimal manual intervention for our team.” To improve Beforepay’s pass rates, we introduced our unique cascade feature, which helped achieve a ~10% uplift that resulted in hundreds of customers onboarded automatically every month. Our unique cascade feature allows automatic rechecks of any initially ‘failed’ customers without manual intervention, improving the experience for customers who can be verified automatically. Ultimately this feature helps reduce abandonment rates and supports customer acquisition cost savings from customers who abandon during onboarding.

Tarek credits FrankieOne with achieving pass rates “double digits higher than we were achieving with our existing vendor, hence beyond all expectations. The FrankieOne single API has allowed us to get up and running fast, and effortlessly add new vendors and data sources as required.

Single Connection

Through a single commercial agreement and SDK connection Beforepay benefited by gaining access to hundreds vendors and data sources.

Data source cascade

Beforepay enabled a data source cascading, creating a more robust identity verification workflow through FrankieOne.

Reduction in manual review

Through FrankieOne's cascade feature, Beforepay was able to establish automatic rechecks of any initially ‘failed’ customers without manual intervention.

Improved customer experience

By onboarding more customer without fail, Beforpay was able to improve the experience for customers.

10% Uplift in pass rates

Beforepay was able to effectively onboard more customers automatically every money. 

"The FrankieOne single API has allowed us to get up and running fast, and effortlessly add new vendors and data sources as required. The entire FrankieOne team have been great to work with, extremely flexible and supportive, and we could not recommend them highly enough."

Tarek Ayoub ~ Founder, Beforepay

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