Staying ahead with our unified, global KYC solution for securities trading

About Tiger Broker

Tiger Brokers is a NASDAQ listed global company (TIGR) providing over 10 million users and over 2.2 million account holders with access to the world’s stock markets.

Tiger's flagship platform Tiger Trade is designed to give everyday Australian investors access to the market, reach for the best and grow to their full potential as investors.

With this in mind, the company has designed an innovative, user-friendly platform that focuses on the power of knowledge. Delivering trading opportunities in the Australian, American and Asian markets with transparent in-depth information at users' fingertips.


The challenge

Highly complicated, multi-vendor onboarding of customers from around the world.

IMG Fraud Integration
Icon Insights
Multi vendor complexity
Complex management of multiple vendors and identification checks.
Icon Audit Trail
KYC from multiple regions
Verification of passports from around the world.
Icon AI
Slow, manual review
Existing processes often required significant amounts of manual intervention.
Icon Network
Pass rate improvements
Tiger Brokers was looking to improve customer pass rates.

The FrankieOne solution

Tiger Brokers initially sought to reduce the operational complexity of maintaining robust compliance in Australia by adding support, through FrankieOne, for more local and foreign passports and identity documents. However, they have also benefited from our cascade feature that improved their straight-through pass rates which means less manual intervention is required and more clients can enjoy a fast and frictionless onboarding experience. Tiger Brokers also benefits from the flexible, future-proof platform that is highly configurable and adaptable to changing regulations. Tiger Brokers can maintain robust oversight while reducing complexity for their teams on the ground in Australia.

Single Connection

Through a single commercial agreement and  connection Tiger Brokers benefited by gaining access to hundreds vendors and data sources.

International KYC

Through access to multiple data vendors Tiger Brokers could verify passports from around the world.

AML & Peps

Tiger Brokers was enabled to rapidly conduct anti-money laundering (AML) and politically exposed persons (PEPs) checks.

Automated risk profiles

FrankieOne enabled Tiger Brokers to orchestrate and automate their customer onboarding through risk based workflows. 

Business verification

With no additional development work, Tiger Brokers was able to activate business verification for it's business clients.

Automation for scale

Tiger Brokers was able to automate and orchestrate their customer verification end to end, reducing the need for manual review and onboarding more customers, faster.

“FrankieOne is an onboarding platform that Tiger Broker uses as external vendors that help us to fulfil our AML/CTF obligations. We work with FrankieOne to enhance our auto passing rate and reduce any manual intervention for the individual client onboarding process. FrankieOne has helped Tiger Brokers do just that and has delivered a seamless experience for our clients.”

Brett Reynolds ~ Director, Tiger Brokers

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